Uke Night
The next ukulele night at the New Moon Cafe in downtown Oshkosh is about to happen. It’s a bunch of crazy ukes with people to match. The fun is this Friday the 6th and starts around 8pm. If you look at the gigs calendar you can see Mike and I have a show that night so I’ll be a little late, but I’ll be there.
If you want to play a uke for the first time, learn about ukes or just sit back and listen, uke night is for you. Everyone is welcome. I found some photos from the last uke night. Come to next one, take some photos and I’ll put them up here before the next uke night.

Miller with Aaron Baer (aka Dr. Kickbutt) He's looking at me because I totally messed up the song.

Miller & Mike Wertel (I think he's coming in for a kiss)

The whole gang at Uke Night
1 Comment
I love you guys… email me when you have something not mid work day going on so i don’t miss anything!!!!