So Many to Thank!
The attempt for the Guinness World Record for the longest yo-yo throw was a huge success and as much as I’d like to take all the credit I couldn’t have done it without a lot of help. My whole family deserves a big thank you, especially my father Howard Miller who is running for the state assembly here in Wisconsin and co-sponsored the event. All of you that took pics and video were also a big help, Julie, Nick, Casey, Rob, Amber, Aunt Joan, and Paul’s friend, I will need it all to send to Guinness. All the volunteers that helped with food, the info table and the bridge crew, you are the pegs the event stood on, I also need to thank everyone who came out to watch me do it, the attempt would not have been official without you. And lastly the all important witnesses, Monty the Magician and City of Appleton Alderman Peter Stueck.
I’ll put more up as it comes in but in the meantime here is a great photo taken by Rob Resnick. You should know that the official measurement of the yo-yo came in at 35 feet and 2 inches or 10.67 meters. You can also watch the Fox 11 coverage on youtube.

the attempt that made yo-yo history