Big Weekend!
No, it’s not a big weekend for Mike and I to perform in shows, we have the weekend off. But it is a big weekend to go and see some good shows and that’s what I’m doing with my time off.
The shrine circus will be at the Brown County Arena in Green Bay on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This is always fun and I try to go every year, especially this year. I hear that they have a very talented Russian clown named Olex Kartukov who used to tour with the Ringling Circus, just like me.
There’s more fun in Oshkosh. The Grand Opera House is hosting a show called An Afternoon with Groucho. Frank Ferrante puts on a one-man show as one of my biggest comedy heroes, Groucho. Discovered by Groucho’s son, Arthur, the New York Times called Frank, “the greatest living interpreter of Groucho Marx’s material.” The show starts at 2pm on Sunday and tickets are still available. Go to
As if that wasn’t enough, Frank will be at the gallery walk in Oshkosh on Saturday night showing off his collection of Marx Brothers memorabilia and The Grand will do a showing of Duck Soup that night, free of charge.
Oh, Yes! It’s going to be good weekend.