Success! On Sunday July 15th, 2012 at 4:30pm Otis Miller threw and caught a yo-yo that measured 42 feet and 6 inches making it the longest yo-yo ever used in the whole world.
The throw took place on the Stephenson Island in Marinette right on the Wisconsin/Michigan border as part of the Logging and Heritage Fest. An attempt took place the day before on July 14th but was unsuccessful due to wind and rain.
The previous record of 39 feet 9 inches was held by James Buffington of Chicago, IL.
A big thank you goes out to Biehl Construction for providing the lift, the Marinette Fire Department for operating the lift, New Life Church for sponsoring the show and everyone who made Heritage Fest a reality.
Look up the official record at Guinness World Records but Otis’ name won’t be there until Guinness has time to review the throw.
Here are some photos of the latest successful attempt.
Yo-yo history, July 15, 2012, Marinette, WI
Photos taken by Julia Worzala and Adeline Miller.
Below are a couple videos and photos of the successful throw back in 2010, enjoy!
Here are some photos.
Yo-yo history, Aug. 22, 2010
Photos taken by Julia Worzala, Amber Creamer, and Rob Resnick.